Looking Out
Every so often I would like to take a photo while driving. Unfortunately, the iPhone is nearly impossible to use with just one hand. “Real” cameras are easy to hold with one hand and the shutter release is positioned nicely under the “trigger finger”. Not so the iPhone. When I try to get my thumb under the “Up Volume” button I tend to get my fingers over the lenses in an effort to get a good firm grip. There are apps that allow taking a photo with a voice command. I succumbed and installed “Hey Camera”. Alas, that app does not permit tap to focus or lens selection. So, I deleted it and am back struggling with the iPhone.
Here I managed to get my fingers out of the way and used the wide-angle lens. The windshield is rather distorted as a consequence, but you do get a good view of our “green canyon” roads. Now if I could get rid of the reflections this might be useful more often.

See Monday Window posts
.:. © 2024 Ludwig Keck