Clouds over Atlanta
Two years ago I was looking out a window toward the skyline of Atlanta. Interesting windows in many structures. It was evening, 6:48 pm, to be exact. The scene seemed worthy of a photo. I used my iPhone.

The photo did not turn out well. It languished in my archive until just a few days ago when I came across it again. Maybe, I thought there is something there. Lots of windows in the nearby buildings, many more invisible in the structures that form the distant skyline.
So, I played with it. Like we all do, I wanted the image to look pretty much as I remembered it. Our eyes can accommodate the different levels of light and we form a memory that is usually quite at odds with the way a camera records it. Again and again, I came back to this photo, determined to “enhance” it so it is just “right”. Finally, I settled on the version here.

You may not be impressed, but it conjures up memories mixed with the ongoings of that day.
See Monday Window posts
.:. © 2023 Ludwig Keck