More ship windows
There exists a folder on my computer with “candidate” photos of windows. Some are old, from my archives, some are quite recent. They are queued up in a loose order of “coming appearance”, some make it, some don’t. Some get delayed, some taken ahead. Sometimes it gets rather confusing. That has been happening lately when I “borrowed” some of the photos for other blogs. More on that next week, but for today I want to clear out a bit of a clog. Some ship photos that didn’t get used before and seem too nice to just forget about.
Thus today’s ship window from a Savannah river tug. Those tugs make sure that the big ships get upstream and back some 18 miles to the port facilities. Here then tug Edward J. Moran.

This tug was assisting the container ship NYK Diana some eleven years ago. Much larger ships are now able to visit Savannah.

Monday Window is a weekly blog post challenge featuring one or more photos of windows, prominently or as the main subject.
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.:. © 2022 Ludwig Keck