Next Window – Please

Oh sure, you can tell this sign is from a Burger King fast food place, but that’s not what I had in mind when I took this photo a while back. What I was thinking then, and now, is that it is a wonderful reminder to go and see the next window. Down in the comments of this post, and in the listing you get when you click “See Monday Window posts” below.
So go ahead. Look at what all the Monday Window bloggers have to offer.
Hmm, I think I will use this more often.
Monday Window is a weekly blog post challenge featuring one or more photos of windows, prominently or as the main subject.
Hey, Monday Window bloggers,
Please tag your posts “Monday Window” so we can find them all at once.
See Monday Window posts
Please visit the participating blogs. You will be delighted and astounded by the rich and imaginative offerings by the bloggers from around the world.
.:. © 2021 Ludwig Keck