Windows and Flags
Once again reaching back into the archives. Here are a couple of photos taken with my old Nikon D60 – my first digital camera.
The first photo below is from 2012. An image from Savannah. Itt was a cloudy day and the windows were in shade. I had to hold the sky back some and lightened the building facade. The exif data says that the lens was at 55mm (about 90mm equivalent for full frame) and f/5.6 at 1/125s and 140 ISO.

The next one is a year younger. This is from Buckhead, of course. That’s the place made from glass – or so it seems. With a similar cloudy day, it is all monochrome except for the flag. The camera settings were lens at 55mm, f/8 at 1/60s and 100 ISO.

A crop from this photo (also at the top):

Monday Window is a weekly blog post challenge featuring one or more photos of windows, prominently or as the main subject.
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.:. © 2022 Ludwig Keck