Driving through Dunwoody
Our drive now takes us to Dunwoody. Here is the Dunwoody Farmhouse, or more formally the Cheek-Spruill House. The Spruills still lived here when we moved to Georgia decades ago. The urban developments had even then started to close in on the iconic structure. Now its lot has shrunk to barely the ground it sits on.
The farmhouse is now a museum and rents out office space. Its windows now look on an urban scene, a far cry from the fields that once surrounded it.
I was stopped at the intersection, rolled down my window to take a photo. Traffic just wouldn’t stop. I feared I might miss my chance, so I just kept taking photos.
Two of them were suitable and I used the Photo Fuse feature in my ancient Photo Gallery to combine sections for a photo of just the farmhouse. Some touchups in PaintShop Pro and a bit of cloning out the powerline and here we are.

Here are the two exposures I used for the above image.

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.:. © 2022 Ludwig Keck