Monday Window – February 27, 2023

Office windows Last week I presented a photo with “sunbeams” covering the side of an office building. Lens flare was the actual culprit. On the other side of the street the building was in full sunlight, and the sun behind me. Here we have a clean looking window wall. Same architecture as last week, but… Continue reading Monday Window – February 27, 2023

Monday Window – February 20, 2023

Sunbeams and windows Accidents happen. Even, occasionally, fortuitous ones. Office buildings and their windows have been a favorite subject of mine. There are lots of them around our area. Recently I drove into one such area and saw neat reflections of wintry trees in the plainly stark office structure. My iPhone was ready and so… Continue reading Monday Window – February 20, 2023

Monday Window – September 13, 2021

Forms of Windows These views look up at one of the more unusual buildings in Buckhead. That’s down in Atlanta, Georgia. It was in early spring, some twelve years ago, when I took these two photos on successive days at about the same time. The exposures were identical, but the lighting conditions were not. One… Continue reading Monday Window – September 13, 2021